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Who We Are

Established in 2000 by Jim Dehner and Tim Driskell, registered as a  501C3 Non-Profit organization and managed by an "All-Volunteer Board" working  mostly in the town of Ashburnham, MA. Our current board members are: Gary Howland, President, Matthew Christensen, Treasurer, Sherisa Sterling, Clerk, Cec Snow, Stewardship Manager, Karen Sargent, Brian Mulroy
Lorraine DeSouza, Mark Washburn, John Mulhall

What We Do

Our primary focus is to identify critical natural landscapes and water resources, primarily in Ashburnham however our work has reached into Winchendon and Ashby, to facilitate their protection. We use a variety of financing tools such as working with the municipality, grant writing, fundraisers, memberships, sponsorships, and selling books and other promotional items. We maintain strong partnerships with the State and other land trusts and conservation groups to secure conservation restrictions, purchase land, advise landowners of tax credit programs, provide access for passive recreation and educate the public on critical environmental issues. Our sub-committee Keep Ashburnham Beautiful connects us to Keep Massachusetts Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. Since our incorporation in 2000 we have facilitated the protection of over 5,500 acres of contiguous open space, a number which increases with every passing year.


With the Annual Meeting done the second item on our 2025 agenda is the Annual Townwide Clean UP to be held on SATURDAY APRIL 26TH. You will see our signs along the roadsides as a reminder of the upcoming event.  We start at 8 AM at the registration table that will be set up in front of the Ashburnham Wine and Spirits where you can sign in and pick up a T-Shirt, pair of gloves, some trash bags and directions to the areas most in need if you have not already selected an unassigned area.

If you can't participate on the 26th you can register with us as much as a week before the 26th or a week after if that better suits your schedule. We will pick up the trash for you once you indicate where we will find it.

Please note that this is general litter, and not a toxic, tire, electronics, mattress or household waste collection, but if you contact us we can directing you on how best to dispose of those items.

We are in the planning stages now and need to know how many are planning to attend. We are not affiliated with the town and we fund this ourselves. We are low on funds this year and would greatly appreciate donations to pay for the dumpster rental and supplies associated with this event.

Please REGISTER today. Please DONATE even small amounts make a difference.

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Protect & Preserve




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Gary Howland



33 Main Street

PO Box 354

Ashburnham, MA 01430

Donate with PayPal

©2025 by Ashburnham Conservation Trust

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