Located on Cheshire Pond Road
Cheshire Pond
Cheshire Pond came to us as a donation from a developer after several homes had been built nearby. The parcel is about 10 acres and encompasses most of Cheshire Pond. Abutting the pond is protected land rich in wildlife containing members of the State’s protected species list. Like the Bluefield Brook property, it bears scars of past gravel operations. We have installed fencing and an informational kiosk. We regularly perform habitat restoration efforts to protect a state listed violet, Viola Adjuncta. * To the southeast lies 390 acres of land belonging to Mass. Audubon which borders Lake Wampanoag in South Ashburnham. Along with our frequent partner, the Mount Grace Conservation Land Trust, we share coownership of a Conservation Restriction with stewardship responsibilities. This entire area is rich with high quality wetlands and might someday fall alongside the Rail Trail for the old Cheshire line railway passage into Winchendon. * If you are interested in helping with this project please contact us and we let you know when our next work day is scheduled